Privacy Statement

We are committed to safeguarding the confidentiality of your personal data. We do not sell, borrow, or rent your data to third parties, and we will not disclose your personal information to any third party, individual, government agency, or company without legal basis.

Within this Privacy Policy, we inform you about how we handle personal data and what rights you have under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) – Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons concerning the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC.

Privacy Policy

By using the website of Annex d.o.o., operating under the trade name Vizual (hereinafter referred to as “Vizual”), along with all associated pages and services, users are deemed to be fully informed about this privacy policy and to fully understand and accept its terms at all times.

Content of the Privacy Policy

Vizual will handle your personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679/EU (GDPR) and the Act on the Implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation ("Narodne novine", No. 42/18), applying appropriate technical and security measures to protect personal data from unauthorized access, misuse, disclosure, loss, or destruction.

We protect the privacy of our users and website visitors, allowing access and disclosure of personal data only to employees who need it for their business activities and to third parties only in cases explicitly prescribed by law.

We do not sell, rent, or make your email address and other data available to third legal and physical persons without your consent.

Vizual will not send you unsolicited emails. Vizual is not responsible for accidental errors or errors due to force majeure or other objective circumstances causing accidental breaches of guaranteed data protection. Still, we guarantee that the error will be rectified, if possible, as soon as possible.

For possible damage to computers caused by downloading files from this website or websites readers access via a link from this website, Vizual is not responsible.

Data Confidentiality

We want to make it clear that when visiting these pages, your personal data remains confidential. We undertake not to disclose the data we receive to third parties, except in cases specified in the previous chapter.

Email Communication

When you send us an email with personal data that can identify you, either by email with a question or comment, or by a form you send us by email, we use that data to fulfill your requests.


You can request a review of all personal data we have received from you at any time. At your request, we can update, correct, or delete your data, or cease using that data in the future, by sending an email to:


We do everything in our power to ensure that all redirects from our websites point to websites that do not contain illegal and/or harmful content. However, websites and addresses on the web change rapidly, and we cannot always guarantee the content of each address we direct you to.

Changes and Termination of Terms of Use

Vizual reserves the right to change or terminate all or any part of this website and terms of use at any time. Changes take effect by posting on this address.

Collection and Processing

Your personal data may be collected for the purpose for which you are familiar, explicitly stated, and in accordance with the law. To make your visit to this website more pleasant, functional, and practical, this website stores on your computer a certain amount of information, so-called
cookies. What are “cookies”?


Our websites you visit use cookies. Cookies are considered small files temporarily stored on your hard drive, allowing our website to recognize your computer on your next visit to the Visual page.

These tools can collect and store technical data such as cookies, user IP address, and/or visitor, mobile device identifier, browser data, and the like, but do not identify the person.

Cookies stored serve for analytical and statistical purposes and for the functioning of all features of the website and a better user experience. These cookies can be permanent cookies that remain stored on the user’s computer even after visiting and temporary cookies that are stored only during a visit to the page.

Depending on the settings of your internet browser, cookies can be automatically accepted. If you do not agree to their use, you can easily delete cookies and/or permanently disable them on your computer or mobile device using the browser settings you use at any time.

For more information on managing cookies, refer to the pages of the browser you are using. Note that the purpose of cookies is to improve and enable the use of our website, and by preventing or deleting cookies, you may disable the operation of features on our website or cause a different operation and appearance in your browser.

To collect data about website visits, we use Google Analytics.

Navedeni alati mogu prikupljati i pohranjivati tehničke podatke kao što su kolačići, IP adresa korisnika i/ili posjetitelja, identifikator mobilnog uređaja, podatke o pregledniku i slično, ali pritom ne identificiraju osobu.

Kolačići koji se pohranjuju služe u analitičke i statističke svrhe i za funkcioniranje svih značajki internetske strance i boljeg korisničkog iskustva. Ti kolačići mogu biti stalni kolačić koji na računalu korisnika ostaju pohranjeni i nakon posjeta te privremeni kolačići koji se pohranjuju samo tijekom posjeta stranici.

Ovisno o postavkama na Vašem internetskom pretraživaču, kolačići se mogu automatski prihvaćati. Ako niste suglasni njihovom upotrebom, kolačiće možete u bilo kojem trenutku lako izbrisati i/ili trajno isključiti na vašem računalu ili mobilnom uređaju pomoću postavki preglednika kojim se koristite.

Više informacija o upravljanju kolačićima potražite na stranicama preglednika kojim se koristite. Napominjemo kako je svrha kolačića poboljšanje i omogućivanje upotrebe naše internet stranice te sprječavanjem ili brisanjem kolačića možete onemogućiti funkcioniranje značajki naše internet stranica ili uzrokovati drugačiji rad i izgled u vašem pregledniku.

U svrhu prikupljanja podataka o posjećenosti web stranice koristimo Google Analytics.

Use of Cookies

This website and its online services may use cookies to improve services. The decision to allow the use of cookies on the website is entirely yours. It should be noted that the website functions optimally only if the use of cookies is enabled.

To use “cookies” in accordance with the Law on Electronic Communications, the Law on Personal Data Protection, EU Directives 2002/58/EC and 95/46/EC, and the GDPR directive, we need your consent.

How to Accept or Reject Cookies

You can always block the use of some or all cookies we use on our website, but this can affect its functionality.

The cookie settings framework is at the bottom of this page. After selecting settings, you can reset cookie settings at any time also at the bottom of this page.

Additionally, you can accept or reject some or all cookies by adjusting your browser settings. On the following links, you can find information on how to change settings for some of the most commonly used web browsers: Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Apple Safari, Opera. Some browsers allow you to surf in “anonymous” mode, limiting the amount of data set on your computer and automatically deleting persistent cookies set on your device when you end your browsing session. There are also many third-party applications you can add to your browser to block or manage cookies. You can also delete cookies that have previously been set in your browser by selecting the option to delete browsing history, including deleting cookies.